Highly Specialized Critical Care Transport Services
Licensed in both North Carolina and South Carolina, AirLink and VitaLink have been working with local EMS agencies and regional hospitals to bring clinical specialties to patients for more than two decades.
Our teams manage traumatic injuries, stroke, cardiac events, high-risk obstetrics, pediatric emergencies and complex medical cases.
Specialty Care Services
Our staff receives extensive critical care training and can begin intensive care while en route to the medical center. Some of the services we provide include:
- Point-of-care lab testing to initiate severe sepsis protocol and stabilize electrolyte abnormalities
- Manage and modify ventilated and BiPAP patients based on ABGs
- Airway protection utilizing RSI, video laryngoscopy and surgical cricothyrotomy
- Hemorrhage management with whole blood or tranexamic acid (TXA) administration
- Advanced burn care including escharotomy
- Initiation of therapeutic hypothermia with proven maintenance strategies
- Progressive, award-winning STEMI transport protocols
Program Name: AirLink/VitaLink Regional Transfer Center
Organizational / Hospital Affiliation: New Hanover Regional Medical Center
Services Offered: Ground BLS/ILS/ALS/SCT/CCT; RW (2)
Administrator Name: John Popella
Administrator Contact Information: John.Popella@nhrmc.org Office: 910-667-8480; Cell: 910-367-1426
Program or Organization Website: https://www.nhrmc.org/services/emergency/airlink-vitalink
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirlinkVitalink/
Email: John.Popella@nhrmc.org